Club History

In 1961, a group of motor sport enthusiasts got together to promote their sport in the Moncton area. In 1963, the Moncton Motor Sport Club Inc. (MMSC) was incorporated as a non-profit organization in New Brunswick MMSC, through its members organize and participate in many car related events locally and throughout the Atlantic region. While our main interest is in races, rallies and slaloms, we are also involved in car shows as the host of the Speed Sport Show since its inception in Moncton in 1974.
If you have an interest in motor sport we would encourage you to become a member of our club. Most of our events are organized with the novice entrant in mind. Entering a club event is the best introduction to motor sport and the first step to regional competition. Our club events do not require any special car preparation or equipment. Many of our entrants compete in their family vehicle with little or no modifications. Entry fees are kept to a minimum nominal cost.

MMSC is associated with other clubs in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia under Atlantic Region Motor Sports Inc. ( A.R.M.S. ) and is associated with ASN/FIA which sanctions national and international status motor sport events including the Canadian Grand Prix.


Rear View Mirror

This is an article devoted to some of the history of the Moncton Motor Sport Club. The story related here is not a new article it’s actually about 37 years old, and when it was written it was kind of a history lesson at that time too. The following article originally appeared in the first issue of “The Hub”, volume 1, No. 1 dated April 1963. The author is Don Horne. The article was titled “Regional and National News”.

This article should be interesting reading for any new club members, but for those who have been around for awhile it goes to show you that the more things change, the more they stay the same. And so…

“… To better inform our newer members, we will try to give you a concise history of M M S C and its neighbour clubs leading up to our present stage in growth.

Founded shortly after the Second World War, the Moncton Motor Sport Club was an association of individuals gathered together much as we are today for the enjoyment of all types of motor sport. This group was based on two types of motoring, two wheeled and four wheeled. An extremely successful club, it grew and prospered. The members of M M S C during the early ’50s saw fit to dispense with the bipartisan organization when lack of interest on the part of automobile owners left the Club composed mainly of motorcyclists. Shortly after this the remaining members reorganized as the Moncton Motorcycle Club. This organization carried on the sport in Moncton until 1961 when the members recognized a greatly increased interest on the part of imported car owners. With the interest and support of the Moncton Motorcycle Club the Moncton Sports Car Club was born in the spring of 1961.

During 1961 a makeshift executive with a makeshift Club built from a makeshift foundation a solid and successful organization grew. During this year many new members were added. Throughout its entire history M M S C never placed any restrictions on membership, but the sports car, connotation left the idea in many minds that it was restricted to those who were fortunate enough to own such means of transportation.

The annual meeting following 1961 was the meeting which saw the name changed to the Moncton Motor Sport Club and the days which followed witnessed a phenomenal rate of growth. We are now a well-organized efficiently run organization catering to the motor sport enthusiasts in this area. The great success of our recent events indicates that another upsurge in membership is underway.

Where do we go from here?

In 1962, at the suggestion of MMSC, a meeting of the three existing clubs in the province was held in the Sussex Corner Woman’s Institute Hall to discuss the formation of a New Brunswick motor sport council. Today composed of the UNB Sports Car Club, the New Brunswick Sporting Car Club (St. John), the Moncton Motor Sport Club, and after April first, the Fredericton Sports Car Club, this organization is coming to the fore in motor sport. It is your writers pleasure to have been elected vice president of the Council and thus assume responsibility for the coordination of events in the province. All members have been forwarded a copy of the NBMSC Competition calendar for 1963 and will note that it also includes events for several nonmember groups. To better serve its members, the Council endeavoured to inform them of all events being planned for the Atlantic Region during the year and received a good deal of cooperation from the Atlantic Sports Car Club (Halifax) and the St. John’s Motor Club (Newfoundland) in this regard.

With careful consideration affiliation with the Canadian Automobile Sport Club could soon become a reality. This CASC is the national body appointed by the Royal Automobile Club and the F. I. A. to administer the sport in Canada. The CASC is composed of regions and it is assumed that affiliation would lead to regional status for all the Atlantic Provinces Clubs.”

And so ends our history lesson for this issue. As you may (should!) know, a relationship with CASC was in fact formed and the CASC Atlantic Region became a reality. Today, CASC and CASC-AR have gone and been replaced by A.S.N.-Canada-F.I.A. and Atlantic Region Motor Sports. Now, that alone should be more than enough fodder for another article or two in a future issue of “The Hub”. Speaking of future articles, if anyone has any information about the early days of M.M.S.C. or motor sport in general (there are many current members who were around back then), please pass it on and we’ll include it. How about some old issues of “The Hub” with results, articles, letters, etc.?