The Moncton Motor Sport Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting on November 7th, 2023. The meeting will be held online on Google Meet starting at 8:00pm. Link to the meeting:
In order to conduct business at the Moncton Motor Sport Club Annual General Meeting, a quorum must be established. Please try and attend the meeting. If you cannot attend, please send your proxy with someone attending the meeting or email it to A copy of the proxy form is attached.
The election of the Club Executive and appointment of the Board or Directors is part of the AGM. The Club is always interested in new people getting involved! If you are interested, let us know ASAP. We are actively recruiting new board members.
The current Executive (elected):
President: Mike McCrea
Vice-President: Steve Lockhart
Treasurer: Graham McCrea
Secretary: Darrell Tower
Competition Director: Ming-Duc Wong
Current Board of Directors (appointed):
Race Director: vacant
Solosport Director: Tom Hopper
Rally Director: vacant
Director-at-large: Shawn Gayton
Director-at-large: Bob Griffith
Director-at-large: Stewart O’Connor
Director-at-large: vacant