ARMS Awards Banquet: November 24, 2012

The ARMS AGM is being held at the Ramada/Crystal Palace Convention Center.  Saturday evening is the Awards banquet with cocktails at 6:30pm and dinner starting at 7:00pm  It will be a dinner buffet with the following menu:

  • Includes: vegetable, cheese and meat tray, seasonal vegetables, fresh fruit salad, rice pilaf, dinner rolls, assorted desserts, coffee, and tea.
  • Four (4) salads: caesar, pasta, garden, and potato.
  • Scalloped potatos
  • Chicken breast in a chasseur sauce.
  • Carved roast beef.

Price is $40.00/person (actual cost is $42.60/person with MMSC subsidizing the difference).

To reserve tickets, contact Ming via e-mail at, or phone 506-854-1926.  We need to provide firm numbers to the caterer soon, so please let us know if you will be attending.  No payment is required to reserve tickets.  You can pay on-site.  No guarantee on the reduced price if you purchase tickets on-site so reserve them now!